

I have noticed a lot of discussion of the debate occurring on these blogs, so I will address the debate and the topics of such in my summary blog.
First of all, I feel like most of my thoughts are expressed in my response to Declan's post, which can be seen below this post. Many of you see to think that the Bolsheviks had a leg up in the debate. As Charlie (at least I think this is Charlie--I get confused at who is who sometimes) said, the Bolsheviks " had the distinct advantage of having the future on their side". Someone else said, and I am sorry that I cannot remember who it is/ I don't have the energy to go and read through all of the blogs again to find out who this was, it was inevitable, in an unfair way, that the Bolsheviks should win.
Despite my personal links with the Bolsheviks (they killed my great-grandparents and forced much of my family to flee Russia), I have to say, to the fact that in both classes they won, "duh" and I don't mean this in a bad way. There was really no other direction to go in. The Tsars and their governments were corrupt and had been for a while, as many of you addressed in your blogs. Russia, in order for it to become and remain a world power needed to immediately oust the tradition and "backwardsness" of the past and move into the future, which is what the Bolsheviks wanted and is why they, of course, will always win.

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