
i don't think we can ever understand why, which is a good thing

I think part of the reason that I have not posted so much in the past little while is that the topics we are now covering are becoming more and more troubling. Every time I think about Hitler, let alone see a picture of him or a film reel, I feel nauseous. Danielle asks how someone could have been able to perform all of the atrocities that occurred because of Hitler and his Nazis and why. Danielle, I don't think we can answer that question. I don't think anyone can ever understand why Hitler would chose to torture and starve millions and millions of Jews. I don't think anyone can ever understand how one human could ask another to chose between living alone or dying with his or her family. But I think that that shows that we are not like him. If we could understand why, something would be wrong.

I don't have much to say about Hitler. Many of us have tackled the subject in our blogs with interesting results. Some discussed Mein Kempf, others talked about the sheer disgusting-ness of his regime, and some even compared his allure to that of Obama's. I don't want to do the man any justice by saying too much about him. I believe he was a psychopathic coward. I believe he was a bad seed, a man lacking a heart and conscious. I think it would be giving him to much credit to say that at least he thought he was doing the what was best for his nation. There was no reason to exterminate the Jews, and as we pointed out in class, it can be argued that the amount of money he spent in doing so could have been put towards the war effort and made his army stronger, which would have been much better for his nation. His suicide was showed his cowardice, as he rather die than take on responsibility for the mess he created. I don't think there is any intellectual way to approach this man. He was a monster with no layer that anyone could ever sympathize with. He doesn't deserve a second thought.

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