
you say you want a revolution...

Jonathan says in his blog that the Bolsheviks were almost like the Mensheviks in that they waited for the opportune moment to cause a revolution as opposed to forcing it. I have to completely disagree with this sentiment. This revolution was completely forced. Lenin needed to actively find followers. Once he found a vulnerable group, he made them see why a revolution should happen but it wasn't as if the country was naturally headed in the direction of the Bolshevik revolution; they needed to be guided.

Once the revolution was successful, they did not maintain power in a very natural way, either. Instead of trying to appease those who disagreed and appealing some to them, Lenin just killed them all. Russia may have been ripe for a revolution what with the way the Tsar and then the provisional government dealt with the war and the awful conditions for the working class, but everything that occurred to make that revolution happen was far from natural. In fact, it was almost all forced by Lenin and his minority of followers.

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